Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


Artwork terbaru dari kita, dijuduli "Deadly Sketched".
Dari awal brand ini memang menekankan proses sketsa dalam pembuatan karya,
konsepnya: yaah... Sketsa Maut lah... hehehe... (begitu kata desainernya)

From its beginning, Migomagi wants to emphasize the sketching process in the making of its artworks. and that's what we are having now a deadly sketch concept (at least that is what the designer figure out, LOL, well, we don't know bout what you guys think about it ).

Oh ya, t-shirt dengan desain ini akan segera meluncur.
Dan t-shirt dengan desain yang lain sedang dalam progress... Soon will be available.

And yes, T-shirt with this particularly design will be soon out, and the other one is also on the progress..Soon will be available, guys!

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

4 komentar:

  1. woww... what a skull,
    jadi pengen liat kalo di t-shirt

  2. wow..garaaang...
    gue mampir balik nih..hehe..
    jangan lupa komen nya di postingan baru gue yaa..thanks.!
    anyway, gue uda follow.. :D

  3. @gomel, oke...oke... kita juga udah follow koks... hehehe...

  4. hohoho... kereennn sketchnya manteb bener dahh....
