Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009


Ada fitur keren nih di situs RayBan, namanya "Colorize Yourself". Fitur ini memungkinkan kamu untuk mengunggah foto kamu (dengan spesifikasi tertentu) untuk nantinya dibikin versi iklan RayBan. Salah seorang kru Migomagi sudah mencobanya juga, hehe... cekidot nih:

There is a freaking cool feature on Ray ban officially website, guys! It’s call "Colorize Yourself". This feature allows you to upload your picture (with a certain specification of course), and should of you get any lucky, your picture might be made into Ray Ban version for their Ads campaign. One of our Migomagi’s crew have already try it, just check it out, and tell Us what do you have in mind:

So, go colorize yourself!
Here's the link

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

5 komentar:

  1. Owh..bagus juga nih...
    Tapi saya biasanya pek Photoshop atw Photoscape, heheheh....
    Bisa juga pake itu :D

  2. kamu pastinya sangat kreatif kan...

    salam kenal dari Arapink :-) (Malaysia)

  3. kapan2 deh dicoba..hehee..
    jadi kaya versi majalah gitu yaa? thanks yaa info nya! :D

  4. iyah versi khas iklannya Rayban gitu, heuheuheu....
