Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009


Bahkan di tempat yang jarang terjamah sekalipun, kreatifitas selalu ingin mengambil andil, sedikit usil.
Teman-teman silakan simak label-label t-shirt keren hasil kompilasi migomagi dari berbagai sumber:

Even in some remote areas that “naked eyes” has its difficulties to reach, creativity always wants to take it places to add some spicy to life, inquisitively..

Have a closer look to these freaking super cool t-shirts’s label that we’ve been manage to compile from various resources. Hot from the oven, folks!

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Taken from here

Jadi, mana yang paling kamu suka? hehe...

So, which one do you like the most? hehe...

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

4 komentar:

  1. hahaha yang ke-4 sama ke-5 deh hihi

  2. kalo saya suka yang UNLUCKY YOU, MADE IN USA.

  3. Me like number 4 and 7!ROTL..bwahaha..but as somebody's wife, i feel offended as they level "wify" with the washing machine..d'oh!!!

  4. Hahahahaha... lucu bangeeeeeeeeeett!~~!!!! yang ke lima dan 2 yang terakhir, lucuu..
