Senin, 01 Februari 2010


Senang sekali dompet kunci Just in Cash kita ditampilkan di blog CIPOET1984, sebuah blog yang berisi tentang kumpulan karya-karya kawan-kawan lokal, begini tulisan dalam deskripsi profilenya:
"Hello! My name is Cipoet.. I'm the owner of the shadow puppet clothing.. this is my blog-where Indonesian artist unite...enjoy!"

Untuk informasi, Shadow Puppet adalah sebuah brand clothing lokal yang berkonsentrasi pada figur-figur wayang lokal sebagai ilustrasi pada kaosnya. Silakan berkunjung ke websitenya. Keren-keren.

We're so happy that our "just in cash" key wallet is being displayed at CIPOET1984; a blog which display the works of Indonesian local artist, as it describes on its profile:
"Hello! My name is Cipoet.. I'm the owner of the shadow puppet clothing.. this is my blog-where Indonesian artist unite...enjoy!"

FYI, Shadow Puppet is a local clothing brand that focus on local figure of "wayang" a.k.a puppet as the main illustration of its works. Feel free to visit their website and enjoy their maginificent work

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

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