Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


Thisisyourpartee, sebuah forum kaos lokal yang sangat keren, dan saat ini migomagi brand sudah mensubmit kaos terbaru disana, (Deadly Sketched dan Band New Day) berkunjung ya.. jangan lupa komen dan di-love kaosnya, hehe... terimakasih banyak.

Kalian juga yang punya minat sama mendesain kaos dan memproduksinya juga, ayo publish disana, gratis kok... percaya sama kami, website ini keren abis...

Thisisyourpartee, a cool local tee forum which migomagi brand has been submitted their newest tees there (Deadly Sketcheddan Band New Day) Don’t forget to look around that site and comment and make sure you also-love our tee-shirt! thx a bunch in advance.

And by the way, if any of you are also share the same interest in designing tee and produce it as well, then why don’t you just submit your work there and publish it too for free. Just believe us, this site is really awesome.

Hello, 2 designs has been applied to the tee, Band New Day and Deadly Sketched, feel free to visit our online store , and get a special promotion for March. 

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

5 komentar:

  1. wow!
    kaos2nya keren2 ui!
    mau juga miliki 1 nih?
    cara pesennya gimana? masih belom ngerti...^^

  2. Kaosnya keren...
    Udah liat lewat FB, hehehehehe....
    Warnanya juga, mantep...
    Biru, warna kesukaan... :)

  3. Wah, makin eksis aja nih...
    Keren2, semoga sukses terus proyeknya...
    Itu bajunya keren...

  4. makasih semuanya, yang mau pesen silakan liat paduannnya di http://migomagistore.blogspot.com

  5. mupeng ngeliat design tiap kaos :( tapi masing bingung belanja online, gak punya rekening nih
