Hello... ini adalah desain/ilustrasi yang akan digunakan untuk kemasan t-shirt kami selanjutnya.
Konsepnya sederhana, hanya memunculkan kesan festive, meriah, positif, karena kami memang ingin berbagi kesenangan, hehe... dan setiap produk yang kami buat memang kami perlakukan spesial, sama spesialnya dengan teman-teman. yoohoohoo...
Hello... this is the design/illustration that we’ll be going to use for our next t-shirt packaging.
The concept it self is rather simple, just trying to display a festive sense, positive vibe as we want to share our joyful side. Each product that we’ve been making and about to make are totally being handle with special care, totally special just like you, folks … yoohoohoo...

Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]
this is just kick ass!!
BalasHapusjadiny bwt tas..btl??:)