Sudah hampir tiga minggu kami tidak meng-update blog ini, bukan tanpa alasan memang, tetapi modem di kantor sedang rusak, dan karena service center untuk modemnya tidak ada yang berdomisili di Bandung, jadi terpaksa harus kami rawat inapkan ke Jakarta, sungguh penantian yang panjang.
Ada kekhawatiran ketika sadar kalau kita sudah terlalu lama vakum di dunia maya, khususnya di blog ini, sebab saat ini blog adalah salah satu medium penting untuk kami saling sapa dengan teman-teman. Jadi ada ketakutan teman-teman menganggap kami sudah tamat, inkosisten dan hal-hal negatif lainnya.
Tapi, syukurlah saat ini modemnya sudah bisa kembali beroperasi, terimakasih kepada teman-teman yang masih mau menengok blog ini walaupun mungkin tidak sempat kami respon.
Selama 3 minggu ini sudah lumayan banyak progres yang menyenangkan, apa saja? akan kami beritakan lagi di postingan berikutnya... hehe...
Selamat datang lagi di blog kami.
t’s been almost three weeks that we couldn’t update our blog!Our modem was broken, and since the service center is locate in another area, so we’ve just to be patient waiting for our modem to be fixed out in Jakarta. What a long waiting that is..sigh.
We’re a bit worry about the consequence which might appear by this incident! When we’ve been offline for a certain time, we afraid that you, our friend will have thought that we’ve finished, and we’re being inconsistent! And maybe any other negative that might cross your mind..
But thanks God, that our modem is back, and we’re sincerely thanking you all whose been to kind to play a visit here, although some of them might have not got a decent response by us.
Well, these 3 weeks, we’ve got pretty much happy progress. And what’s those progress are, we gonna tell you on the next posting. Be sure to check back often.
So anyway, welcome back to our blog : )
We’re a bit worry about the consequence which might appear by this incident! When we’ve been offline for a certain time, we afraid that you, our friend will have thought that we’ve finished, and we’re being inconsistent! And maybe any other negative that might cross your mind..
But thanks God, that our modem is back, and we’re sincerely thanking you all whose been to kind to play a visit here, although some of them might have not got a decent response by us.
Well, these 3 weeks, we’ve got pretty much happy progress. And what’s those progress are, we gonna tell you on the next posting. Be sure to check back often.
So anyway, welcome back to our blog : )
Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]
wah harus gantilah modemnya biar egk sering mati.