Mulai hari ini akan ada label baru pada blog ini, kami namai MIGOMANIA yang berarti teman-teman migomagi. Postingan dengan label ini akan berisi jepretan foto kami atau teman-teman sendiri yang berisi dukungan (misal: foto Support Hari Batik Nasional kemarin) , promosi, narsisme (hehe...), dan lain sebagainya yang berkaitan dengan brand Migomagi. Bagi yang berminat silakan berkirim foto ke e-mail kami: (dengan Subyek: MIGOMANIA)
Starting today, we will have a new blog's label which is to be called MIGOMANIA, it means friends of migomagi. This posting will contain the pictures taken by us or you, our beloved friends.The pictures can shown any special support (for instance : our previous Support the national's BATIK day), promotion, even any narcissistic pictures you have (LOL), and etc which at some point have any relation with migomagi brand. For those whose interest in this, then please send your pictures to (with email subject; MIGOMANIA). We'll be waiting :)
Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]
tungguin aja yang dari saya hahahahahaha *tunggu ya sampe jamuran*