Kamis, 24 September 2009


Woww... ada kabar bagus buat Migomagi Brand, dan selamat juga untuk sang desainer, karena karyanya yang berjudul Warm Skull Wallpaper (dalam blog ini) berhasil dimuat di blog Skull-A-Day. 

Tentang skulladay.blogspot.com: Blog yang awalnya dibuat sebagai projek pribadi (satu hari satu tengkorak selama setahun) yang diinisiasi Noah Scalin ini, sekarang menjadi blog partisipatoris dengan kontributor dari berbagai negara. Saat tulisan ini dimuat, postingan blog "Skull-A-Day" sudah mencapai 1386 buah semenjak tahun 2007. "Skull-a-Day" bermaterikan image skull/tengkorak dalam berbagai variasi. 

Adalah blog "tengkorak" terbaik yang pernah kami kunjungi, teman-teman silakan berkunjung untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut. Teman-teman bisa juga men-submit "tengkorak" kalian sendiri.

Woww... We’ve got another good news for Migomagi Brand, and congratulation again for the designer, because their artwork “Warm Skull Wallpaper" (see previous posting) has just been re-publish on Skull-A-Day. 

About skulladay.blogspot.com: This blog initially been made for a personal project (one skull per day for year) which was initiated by Noah Scalin, and now has been evolving into a partipatoric blog with contributors coming from around the globe. By now, the blog has been posting 1386 pieces since year 2007. The contents of "Skull-a-Day" are the skull image in various look and means. 

Briefly, this is the most dashing “SKULL” blog that we’ve ever knew, and we’re planning to keep visit it regularly since the first time we got there. Should you like to know it better, just visit it then. And hey, maybe you guys can start to submit your own “skulls too and see what your luck is gonna bring you, because not all the submission skull will guarantee to be publish due to the tons of submission and therefore, the blog admin needs to screen the most authentic skull to be put on their blog.

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Thanks A million to: [ Tips Blogger ]

2 komentar:

  1. Wah, mantep ni infonya...
    Kebetulan gue suka banget ama gambar2 tengkorak... :D
    Makasih yah ;)

  2. heem, keren bo!ayooo..jadiin ini boosting energy buat berkarya lebih keren lagi yah :)
