Ada barang cuma-cuma lagi nih, tapi kali ini dengan ragam yang baru, sebuah file berformat .cdr. Ya, file CorelDraw, berisi vektor dari gambar yang akan teman-teman lihat dibawah.
Tetapi kali ini cara mendapatkannya agak lain. Buat teman-teman yang berminat silakan tinggalkan alamat e-mail kalian di halaman komentar, maka secepatnya akan kami kirim giveaway ini, hehe... sekalian kami memang sedang ingin membuat direktori e-mail teman-teman, hehe.. biar lebih akrab begitu. Atau, bila ingin privasi silakan email kami di:, Woke..woke?
another free stuff, but in completely other new form, a file with cdr format. Yes, it is a CorelDraw file with vectors from images you find below. Instead of doing the copy-paste thingy, there's a different mean on how you can get this cool stuff. For those who wants to have it, simply just email us at:, because at the same time we would like to have friends' email directory, so we can get more connected and more familiar :) but don't worry, i wont send you guys any spam or what so ever, cross our finger for that. How does that sound? hurry, send us your email. Cheers and bunch of thanks. Or, you can just simply leave your e-mail address on comment page.
Jadi, silakan bereksperimen dengan vektor ini, bikin se-chaos mungkin, kah? ah bebaskan saja lah.
Please feel free to do any kind of experiment with these vectors, make it as chaotic as it possible can what ever you like with's all yours.